Seattle Assault and Violent Crime Defense Attorney
I have successfully represented hundreds of people charged with assault and violent crimes. Fortunately, Washington is a "stand your ground" state and our assault statutes provide more protection for the accused party than perhaps any other crime. Washington state recognizes self defense, and I have noted over the course of my career that judges and juries view defendants charged with assault and battery more favorably if they were acting out of self defense. You do not have a duty to retreat and have the right to use reasonable force to defend yourself.
If you were not the aggressor and believe that you were acting in self defense, I will make your case for you. When necessary, I employ a team of experts to assist me in refuting the claims of the prosecution's experts.

I'm John Polito, a lawyer in Bellevue, with 30 years of experience handling the following type of assault and violent offenses ranging from 4th degree assault to felony murder in Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Issaquah, Tacoma, and other cities in Washington state:
- Assault 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degrees
- Reckless Endangerment
- Malicious Harassment
- Custodial Assault
- Murder 1st and 2nd degree
- Homicide by Abuse
- Manslaughter 1st and 2nd degree
- Kidnapping 1st and 2nd degree
- Unlawful Imprisonment
- Custodial Interference 1st and 2nd degree
- Trafficking
- Felony Harassment
- Arson 1st and 2nd degree
- Malicious Mischief 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree
- Burglary 1st and 2nd degree
- Residential Burglary
- Criminal Trespass 1st and 2nd degree
- Vehicle Prowling 1st and 2nd degree
Most of the above offenses are subject to sentencing enhancements which can greatly increase the standard sentencing range depending on the type of aggravator which enhances the sentence. This is especially so if the prosecution alleges the crime was committed with a firearm or other deadly weapon. It is critical to hire an experienced attorney who can navigate these types of aggravating circumstances to avoid a lengthy jail or prison sentence. I have that experience.
I work vigorously with prosecutors to keep crimes off criminal records of first time offenders and those without a long criminal history. This can be accomplished through counseling, restitution or mitigation. Clients undergoing counseling are always placed in the best light for the prosecution and the court. Negotiating restitution may reduce or result in the dismissal of your charges upon payment in smaller, less serious cases.
Free consultation: Contact me, attorney John J. Polito, for a no-cost assessment of your case and your options. From my office in Bellevue, Washington, I serve clients in Seattle, King County, Snohomish County, and Pierce County. I accept all major credit cards for your convenience. Please call my office at (425) 646-7111, or my cell phone 24/7 at (206) 371-9870.